Certificate :- Test Website SSL Protocols

Living Large PowerShwell Got Ir

Use Secure Protocols

The “S” in HTTPS:\\ means that the site has security and is supposed to be secure.  There is a lot more to the “S” though and that’s where the SSL part of the title comes from.  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS is an authentication and security protocol widely implemented in browsers and Web servers.

Surfing The Web

So, as you surf around the web, you’ll encounter HTTPS:\\ and HTTP:\\ sites. I would never enter personal information into an HTTP:\\ site as this isn’t secure.  And, supposedly with HTTPS:\\ sites like banks and online shopping there is some expectation that the site is secure enough for us to do our transactions. All these things you should be aware of.

The functions included here will assist you with determining important information about a web sites SSL status.

Business Precautions

So, as we take precautions for doing business online I’ve recently noticed that so many certificates are expiring on web sites I’m visiting and it’s occurring on an assortment of sites. I use a tool that popups when I encounter issues with certificates.

Keep Certificates Up To Date

You’d think that a company’s overall strategy for ensuring that security certificates remain up to date and monitored for expiration dates should be in the daily SOP.

Enhancing Some PowerShell Code

After looking into the issue I decided I’d start by searching for something along the lines of this code by  Chris Duck  I already had some simple code that I’ve been using but wanted something where I could modify to suite my needs. In fact found many similar ideas while searching the web and this is how I’ve put my research to use.

Loading and running 


I made some simple modifications to the script as this location:
$ProtocolNames = [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols] | gm -static -MemberType Property | ?{ $_.Name -notin @(“Default”, “None”) } | %{ $_.Name }
$global:certinfo = @() #- ADD THIS
And at this place in the code.

$global:certinfo = $ProtocolStatus #- ADD THIS

This is the modified function without all the comments.
function Test-WebSiteSslProtocols
Check validity of SSL on web sites visited populate collection to be used for updating into database
Ideas found searching the web

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[int]$Port = 443
$ProtocolNames = [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols] | gm -static -MemberType Property | ?{ $_.Name -notin @(“Default”, “None”) } | %{ $_.Name }
$global:certinfo = @()
$ProtocolStatus = [Ordered]@{ }
$ProtocolStatus.Add(“URLChecked”, $URLChecked)
$ProtocolStatus.Add(“Port”, $Port)
$ProtocolStatus.Add(“KeyLength”, $null)
$ProtocolStatus.Add(“SignatureAlgorithm”, $null)

$ProtocolNames | %{
$ProtocolName = $_
$Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket([System.Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Stream, [System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::Tcp)
$Socket.Connect($URLChecked, $Port)
$NetStream = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream($Socket, $true)
$SslStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream($NetStream, $true)
$SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient($URLChecked, $null, $ProtocolName, $false)
$RemoteCertificate = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$SslStream.RemoteCertificate
$ProtocolStatus[“KeyLength”] = $RemoteCertificate.PublicKey.Key.KeySize
$ProtocolStatus[“SignatureAlgorithm”] = $RemoteCertificate.SignatureAlgorithm.FriendlyName
$ProtocolStatus[“Certificate”] = $RemoteCertificate
$ProtocolStatus.Add($ProtocolName, $true)
$ProtocolStatus.Add($ProtocolName, $false)
$global:certinfo = $ProtocolStatus

PowerShell Global Variables

The [PSCustomObject]$ProtocolStatus is local to the function. As I wanted to use this for input into a function to update
a database I’ve added $global:certinfo = $ProtocolStatus
$global:certinfo can now be used as input to other functions.

Utilizing In Cloud Envionment

I’ll be investigating running this same process in the cloud where it would be cool cataloging information contained in certificates or to look
for anomalies that might be found in a certificate.

Running the function (Test-WebSiteSslProtocols http://www.chase.com) above will return as a data set:

As I’ve also added the global collection which will allow you to drill down into the results.

Peering into the global collection

I’ve used 3 different methods to display information from the collection.

  1. $global:certinfo
  2. $global:certinfo.Certificate
  3. $global:certinfo.Certificate | format-list

PowerShell Various Views

As you see each returns varying views that can be used for further analysis or updating into a database.  With method 1($global:certinfo) we have a collection of values. ComputerName, Port, KeyLength, SignatureAlgorithm, Ssl2, Ssl3,  Tls, Tls11,  and Tls12 are single values that don’t require a drill down to collect populate values for updating into a database.

Utilized Certificates

Certificates returns a collection.  Item 2 ($global:certinfo.Certificate), dose not return enough visual information I use Item 3. $global:certinfo.Certificate | format-list

as returned by or function to get web records.

Extensions is returned as an object. As of yet I’ve not found a sql datatype at least in 2012 to use for import directly. So, I’ve created this snippet that can extract and serialize into xml.

PowerShell Use All Elements

To see all the elements available I’m using method 3( $global:certinfo.certificate | Format-List) As this returns the Extensions information.

The area that contains Subject, Issuer, Thumbprint, FriendlyName, NotBefore, NotAfter and Extensions.  Extensions contains another collection for the Oid values.

$global:certinfo.certificate.Extensions and $global:certinfo.certificate.Extensions.Oid (not very friendly)

PowerShell Simplicity Function

The following code snippet I’ve wrapped into a function just for simplicity. Just strait code without try/catch blocks at least for now. 🙂

This function, takes the the $global:certinfo.certificate.Extensions data and generates a more friendly way to view the data.

function CompactExtensions() # Also, in Insert-SslWebSite function (slightly different format)
$global:MyExt = @()
$global:ext = @()
$Extensions = & {
for ($i = 0; $i -le $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.count – 1; $i++)
Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{

Extensions = & {
Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{
ValueU = $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.EnhancedKeyUsages[$i].Value
FriendlyNameU = $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.EnhancedKeyUsages[$i].FriendlyName
Value = $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.oid[$i].Value
FriendlyName = $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.oid[$i].FriendlyName
RawData = ([string]::Join(“,”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions[$i].RawData))
# #End foreach objectcollection
} #End Object Collection$
$global:ext = $extensions
$global:MyExt = $global:ext.extensions

$EnhancedKeyUsageList = & {
Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{
EnhancedKeyUsageList = {
foreach ($itm in ($global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.EnhancedKeyUsages))
Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{
Value = $itm.Value
FriendlyName = $itm.FriendlyName
} #End foreach objectcollection
} #End Object Collection

When you run CompactExtensions the Oid collection is extracted and merged into $global:extensions and when presented in this way is more readable.

A version of CompactExtensions is also in the Insert-SslWebSite

Insert Into SQLSERVER with Powershell

As, I want to insert or update records into a database  I want to convert the $global:extensions.extensions into xml for insertion into the database field extensions.

So, using a small piece of .NET $ExtensionsXml = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($global:extensions.extensions, 3)

has created an in memory variable that will be used to input into the extensions field in the table.

Database Fields.

Adding this information into a database will allow for further analysis.  I’ve created (WIP) an API for backend calls to assist with parsing and validating information in the Certificate Subject field and OID values from the extensions xml field.  This API tracks OIDs, serial numbers and generally information contained in the certificate.

Someday, I’ll get this published. 🙂 Still WIP.

CN=www.chase.com, OU=GTI GNS, O=JPMorgan Chase and Co., STREET=270 Park Ave, L=New York, S=New York, PostalCode=10017, C=US, SERIALNUMBER=0691011, OID. Organization, OID., OID.
CN=www.umpquabank.com, OU=Umpqua Bank, O=Umpqua Bank, STREET=445 SE Main St., L=Roseburg, S=Oregon, PostalCode=97470, C=US, SERIALNUMBER=143662, OID. Organization, OID.


My first pass at setting up the table that I needed used varchar and nvarchar on fields.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SSLByWebSite](
 [URLChecked] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [Port] INT NULL,
 [KeyLength] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [SignatureAlgorithm] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [Ssl2] BIT NULL,
 [Ssl3] BIT NULL,
 [CertificateSubject] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
 [Extensions] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
 [CertificateIssuer] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [CertificateSerialNumber] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [CertificateNotBefore] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [CertificateNotAfter] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [CertificateThumbprint] [varchar](255) NULL,
 [Tls] BIT NULL,
 [Tls11] BIT NULL,
 [Tls12] BIT NULL


Function to upload into database.

The fields that are in the table are represented in the Insert-SslWebSite function. And, this function builds the parameter list that is passed into SQL and inserted into the table.

No Advanced Data Checks

Currently no data is checked for dups, nor indexed. In this release. I will add at least one to URLChecked as I do want to make delta

comparison checks on future calls to the web sites.

function Insert-SslWebSite ()
{ # Currently not manditory
param (
[string]$URLChecked = $global:certinfo.URLChecked
[string]$ServerName = $env:servername
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo’) | out-null

$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = “Server=$ServerName; Database=<DATABASENAME>; Integrated Security=true”

$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$cmd.CommandText = “INSERT INTO SSLByWebSite(URLChecked,Port `
,CertificateNotBefore, CertificateNotAfter, CertificateThumbprint, Tls,Tls11, Tls12) `
VALUES (@URLChecked, @Port, @KeyLength, @SignatureAlgorithm, @Ssl2, @Ssl3
,@CertificateSubject, @Extensions, @CertificateIssuer `
,@CertificateSerialNumber `
,@CertificateNotBefore `
,@CertificateNotAfter `
,@CertificateThumbprint `
,@Tls `
,@Tls11 `

if ($global:certinfo.KeyLength) { “has VALUE” }
else { $global:certinfo.KeyLength = 0 }

$cmd.Connection = $conn
$CompInfoEntryDate = Get-Date

# Split Extensions prior to insertion into database
$Extensions = & {
for ($i = 0; $i -le $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.count – 1; $i++)
Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{
Extensions = & {

Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{
EnhancedKeyUsageList = & {
foreach ($itm in ($global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions[$i].EnhancedKeyUsages))
Write-Output ([pscustomobject]@{
Value = $itm.Value
FriendlyName = $itm.FriendlyName
} #End foreach objectcollection
} #End Object Collection
catch [System.IO.IOException] {
# Catch all other exceptions thrown by one of those commands
# not really doing anything with these but here in case
# Execute these commands even if there is an exception thrown from the try block
# not really doing anything with these but here in case
Critical = $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions[$i].Critical
Value = $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.oid[$i].Value
FriendlyName = $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions.oid[$i].FriendlyName
RawData = ([string]::Join(“,”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.Extensions[$i].RawData))
# #End foreach objectcollection
} #End Object Collection$
# Quick export and import as string to for db insert
# Used as example. In practice can use different methods to generate. Both methods work great
# $extensions.extensions | export-clixml c:\temp\temp.txt
# [string]$mdxml = get-Content c:\temp\temp.txt # Value is inserted as a string
# $extensions.extensions | export-clixml c:\temp\temp.txt
$Depth = 3
[string]$mdxml = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($extensions.extensions, $Depth)

# $mdxml = “”
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@URLChecked”, $global:certinfo.URLChecked) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Port”, $global:certinfo.Port) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@KeyLength”, $global:certinfo.KeyLength) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@SignatureAlgorithm”, $global:certinfo.SignatureAlgorithm) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Ssl2”, $global:certinfo.Ssl2) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Ssl3”, $global:certinfo.Ssl3) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@CertificateSubject”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.Subject) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Extensions”, $mdxml) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@CertificateIssuer”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.Issuer) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@CertificateSerialNumber”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.SerialNumber) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@CertificateNotBefore”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.NotBefore) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@CertificateNotAfter”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.NotAfter) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@CertificateThumbprint”, $global:certinfo.Certificate.Thumbprint) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Tls”, $global:certinfo.Tls) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Tls11”, $global:certinfo.Tls11) | Out-Null
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Tls12”, $global:certinfo.Tls12) | Out-Null

$cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null


Implementing Both Functions

Test-WebSiteSslProtocols http://www.chase.com | Insert-SslWebSite.

It’s nice to be able to pipe this into the Insert-SslWebSite function. And the results of these simple methods show xml for extensions and an inserted

record for URLChecked. I will add a key to URLChecked. 🙂

Will Update GitHub Repro

I intend on placing all code with comments on gethub after I complete my testing and some minor updates to functions to allow for parallel workflows.

So, in a future post I’ll layout how I use PowerShell with Workflows and running parallel while reading in list of websites I want to monitor.

In larger shops this can be beneficial.

Thoughts & Ideas, Joseph Kravis 🙂

Categories: #kravis, #PowerShell, #programming, PowerShell, Technology, TSQL


1 reply

  1. Looks good!

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