3DART :- Dream To Belong

An Image For Today 11/28/17


What is a dream?  Or better yet what makes up a dream? New car, house, marriage, travel?  Some think of dream jobs and I think that having a job is a last resort as we slowly trade away our time for money.  Yes, I think that most of us have given up the dream and parade everyday to a job that you’re never truly happy doing.  Announcements read wanted those with passion to create software and want cutting edge tool. Well, business can’t really offer that any longer. Why, we can buy our own hardware and software to write great code with. But, wheres the dream and passion? What can a business give you that you don’t already have? Money. So, you can continue with your own pursuits. The time is now to Live your dreams or die living the dreams of others.


Thoughts and Ideas,
Joseph 🙂

Categories: 3D, ART, MODELING

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