

29106000351_7f023ed0f3_kWho doesn’t like taking pictures.  The majority of us have some type of phone with cameras that are just as clear as DSLR’S.  The smart phone images do have a place though. I still like my DSLR’S.  I shoot with both full frame and crop sensor cameras.  I’ve also added my IPad Pro and GoPro Hero Black to the mixture.

It all comes down to the message you’re trying to convey. Fun images, where you can quickly edit and post so friends and family can see the funny dear face, elephant ears or what ever is the newest craze with images. SnapChat, Instagram are just 2 of the sites that are adding all the stickers and image manipulation. Don’t get me wrong I find it fun and useful as well.  I use my IPad Pro that I got with cellular so that when in the field I can quickly send images for review and approval. I can edit with LightRoom and Photoshop for IPad which enhances my workflow .

So, my photography section is to describe how I’ve done things and the research I put into things such as my GoPro. What I learned, how it frustrated me and how I overcame some issues with the entire process. You might benefit from some my odd experiences.