Seattle Washington News Highs And Lows

Seattle Washington News Highs And Lows has similar news as found in all cities across america rinse and repeat.

Seattle Washington has been in both local and national news many times this past year. Featuring a feast of goodies and gossip that would make any magazine proud to host. Progressives and Scandals.. ah the initials of “PS”. But not as in PS I LOVE YOU, perhaps with the exception of Jeff. But as in PS (POSTSCRIPT) letters are a dying art too…

Having lived in this area since 1978, I have seen many changes take place around the city. The suburbs were easy to get to and housing was affordable. Kids could get starter jobs at fast food places to make a few bucks..

Renton’s 405 “S” Curves, well, there still being worked on and I think there about done with where they be can be expanded.

The downtown used to be more friendly and not strewn with litter every place you’d look. And, with homeless people camping out on the streets and underneath bridges and most places that they could find the city has taken a turn for the worse. For them and the city.

There was reasonable expectation that your car would not get broken into when parked at the waterfront. When, doing activities downtown and at the Seattle Center things seemed safer. While all the rides are now gone it’s still a a fun visit when in Seattle. But, use a little more caution.

Seattle’s Homeless

I think the black and white photography is thoughtful portrayal of homeless life on the streets.

Ok, Ok

Homeless and crime is everywhere, and that mini trip down memory lane… But, what about your neighborhood? Has Crime increased? Is it something to do with the times? thoughts of the day a conscientious society mass PTSD attack?

Yup, big words. I don’t really understand but they sound good together.

Group Consciousness

However, social media has grouped like minded people together sort of like a group consciousness. Pretty easily I might add. Those times you shared a post from someone you follow caused multiple ping pong ball effects and types thru sound and images, Facebook, twitter, linkedin etc …

Connected Lives Freedom
Connected Lives

In some cases when a post goes viral the news might not be true and that is the most damaging about fast viral news. And, like the ping pong balls in this the video, things go viral FAST.

Ping Pong Sounds For The Ears

Sound Ping Pong Love It

Seattle’s Progressives

According to some, the progressives in Seattle are the main cause of the decay and city achieving the label “Seattle Is Dying”.

Amazon Moving To Bellevue Washington

Sorry New York, it’s happening to Seattle too! #metooProgressiveCity

While not overly depressing, the traffic in Bellevue is already SUPER BACKED UP, and Bellevue is essentially Microsoft’s backyard. Commute times, even with the new light rail will still be long and longer yet.

#3 Russel Wilson BIG $$$$$$$$$$

Sports in the Seattle News.

I think it’s OK for people to make money.

Seattle Is Dying

KOMO did a recent documentary called “Seattle Is Dying”

Seattle Is Dying Gained National News

Nevertheless Some Good News

But, the true shinning star in all of this is Microsoft’s wonderful and generous donation for the homeless and affordable housing for Seattle and Bellevue.



Well, this is the PS. A big PS.

Seattle Washington is a very beautiful city.

I think opiate drugs are part of our homeless issue. With the city offering free needle exchange sites and safe injection sites some crime in the immediate areas near sites might be down, still, I find the correlation remarkable as crime seems to be up in other areas. Something smells, na, just wanted to link to a cool song. That is, before linking is against the law.

I’m sure that some homeless people will think the most money every paid to an NFL player is here in Seattle is cool, but most won’t even notice thru the cold. Some are not homeless by choice. I’m not even sure of the percentage but who gives a shit it’s a homeless problem for all of us to solve. Regardless of how it was created.

With the new tunnel now in use far below the viaduct, the old 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct be be torn down in stages. The new waterfront project will create several thousand feet of newly, freely, wonderful views for you, me and the tourists.

Seattle Washington That real estate has quadrupled in value don’ t you think? In all fairness parts of the viaduct were damaged with the earthquake a few years ago. STILL.

Donations A Plenty

With the big donation from Microsoft, how come our taxes keep going up? The state even wants to raise our gas taxes which are already extremely high.

More On Traffic Congestion

There is an East-side expansion in progress that includes a new Microsoft campus with light rail.

Rather than the citizens pay for the extra traffic via taxes Amazon really should be nice and kick in the bigger portion shouldn’t they?


Higher taxes big donations more people city dying progressives screaming homelessness. Yes. Issues to be solved.

Not lastly or anything like that but, I used to be homeless. It wasn’t for a long time but was nevertheless homeless and lived it. Joseph Kravis

We’re a long way from home aren’t we.

Decades Ago, Decades Ago

My wacky way of news reporting is a WIP and during this learning phase, who cares what works and not works is still being researched. 🙂 Me

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Thoughts & Ideas, Joseph Kravis 🙂

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