CYBER ATTACKS :- We’re too late!


Cyber Attacks
Cyber Attacks

Cyber Attack! We’re too late! Engage clocking device! Notify the fleet and return to base.

Future Cyber Attacks By AI

It’s possible that a cyber attack in the future won’t be done by man. Well, man will be the initiators and trainers with a few cyber attacks of their own, but cyber attacks will be performed by advanced AI with AutoML thrown in  for good measure.  The Cyber Attack will become self-adjusting and tuned for effectiveness.

These self adjusting AI Algorithms with machine learning in high gear will traverse networks seeking vulnerabilities checks at the fastest speed and install hidden helper bots on vulnerable networks and computers it finds along the way. 

Undetected For Many Years

Undetected for years, these additional bots could further the attack by increasing the depth and breadth that gives worldwide impact to such attacks.

Quite possibly it will run on one of the major cloud platforms where global staging of bits that do the damage are housed and can go undetected for a long time. If activated results could be quite disastrous.

Personal And Business Ransom

Bot creators will continue asking for ransom and the biggest ransomed users will start demanding global ID’s in hopes of stopping these types of attacks. In fact I believe that the attacks will increase until that nefarious plan succeeds.  Global and Universal ID’s won’t stop nor hinder such attacks and are in my opinion will be very bad for all people.

Educate On Simplicity

Granted, personal activities that are initiated by you either via an email link, or some other source of link, or do some kind of application install causes most of the issues.  But not all.  More education in this area would help.

Bot Creators Ask For Ransome

Not only are they asking for ransom but the biggest ransomed users will start demanding global ID’s in hopes of stopping these types of attacks. In fact I believe that the attacks will increase until that nefarious plan succeeds.  

The will attacks continue, within online games that millions of kids of varying ages use every day, many games have live chat rooms.

Why is that important? And, how does that relate to cyber attacks?

Human Beings Are Mostly Social

Yes, we are. A large percentage of our time, mine too, is spent online. We do many things. There are many and here four of mine.

  • Research
  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Games

Games And Forms Of Chat Rooms

Chat rooms are being used in games to organize others as groups in the games and to make trades for items gathered during game play. That’s easy enough.

But, with young kids the thought of getting extra game items or items for free, will click on, download and install some application only to find out their password was stolen, game assets drained and have been locked out of their account.

Parent Guides Are Needed

Not quite the same as recent cyber attacks that have struck around the world, (recent cyber attack) but a personal attack nevertheless and ones that often go unreported. And, just maybe a yet to be detected bot?  (Parental setup and security control of a kid’s computer is another topic)

Kids Will Find A Way

Most online games and platforms for game play state that those under certain age should not have access unless they have their legal guardian’s permission.  I wonder how many pass up reading the access rules!  Kids seem to have more computer knowledge than parents and many don’t bother following up after setting up a kid on a platform.  A lot use Facebook whom are under the age of 18. The s mart kids will gain access quite easily.

Tech Kids Online Rules For Safety

This should bother everyone.   Kids really don’t know how old or who the person’s on the other end of the chat are. Their susceptible to screen chatter and are not on the guard when someone might be asking probing questions such as do you have pets. What’s your school’s mascot name?

Add questions  of your own and it can be scary indeed. The social engineering aspect that kids face can be challenging.  They exist and everyone has vulnerabilities that someone is willing to exploit.

What’s your school’s mascot name? Etc, add your own and it can be scary indeed. The social engineering aspect that kids face can be challenging.  They exist and everyone has vulnerabilities that someone is willing to exploit.

Augmented Reality Games & Fears

Kids are now playing augmented reality games on smart devices and as the games move to 3d glasses, uncontrolled augmented reality games could be a catalyst for cyberattacks.  Couldn’t it? Meet me at the cemetery tonight our job is to grave rob.

Pied Piper Analysis And Action

The prize is located 6 feet down and looks like a sack of shingles If found will be worth 20,000 bit coins.  Hey we’re having a 100 person march tonight in support of macaroni and cheese school lunch Thursdays.

Meet us at the school with a can of orange paint for a chance for a secret Santa surprise. The excitement that online and even the interactivity of certain games is like having a built I Piped Piper cohering and manipulating the unsuspecting kids.

Perhaps none of this will be like that if we’re aware and teach our kids. But what if things like that have happened and are continuing to happen?

Parents Need To Monitor

I mean parents can’t sit and watch everything a kid does online or can they?  Are you a parent with school age kids?  Kids that use the internet that play games such as ROBLOX.COM? And, other free online games?  They are fun but I would be very concerned if you did not check into and understand what these online games are.  

Caution On Chat Rooms For Kids

As mentioned most have chat rooms to communicate with others in a game. But, kids really don’t know how old the persons on the other end of the chat are. Maybe an AI Trained chat bot that we help train!! Nice. And, that has recently happened.

Some possible solutions.

  • Create automatic sandboxes for running games either on desktop or place browser functionality into a sandbox no matter who the vendor of the browser.
  • Deliver all email with links and active content turned off by default.
  • Allow easier access to mail headers and provide mail header tracing for validation and research.
  • Remove cross site cookie tracking and web beacons. Less tracking would eliminate targeted threats.
  • Allow 3d glasses to work only within 20 feet of a matched base station.
  • A drive for personal photos and documents that could never be used or locked by unauthorized sources. Cloud as backup perhaps?
  • Two factor authentication where the parent receives the code to login. Could be too much but is a good idea if it would work.
  • And, while not mentioned above fix IoT security. This will help as well.

Removing Advertising Tracking

However, removing tracking will be difficult as it generates millions of dollars for advertisers. Media watching and usage changes are taking the industry by storm.

Many have given up cable and are doing so at a rapid pace.  Desktop usage has gone down as users become more mobile.  Advertisers large and small still need a way to push advertisements to consumers in any manner possible.

Increased Bandwidth Increased Ads

Just a few years ago bandwidth was more expensive and users did not want all the extra ads being displayed.  Application availability was sparse and not many that good. Bubble popper was my favorite and could be heard in many restrooms.  

AI Preperations Under Way

Now at the speed of thought and light our devices via tracking, application usage, site participation with voice activation and weather are presenting the prepared “Just For You” items that tracks across owned devices.  The metrics!!! Damn, the metrics.

Protecting And Educating

We all need knowledge of how to protect ourselves and our families in the digital age from current and future cyber-attacks.   The rapidly changing false headlines this past year could have been a cyber attack. Couldn’t it? Makes us all Wanna Cry.

Supporting Links
Supporting Links Kool-aid

Thank you for engaging with this post – a blend of human insight and AI innovation. Your time and thoughts are greatly valued. If this blend of technology and personal reflection sparked any thoughts or ideas, please share them in the comments. Let’s continue the conversation!

Thoughts & Ideas, Joseph Kravis 🙂

Categories: #kravis, Secuity, Technology, Thoughts and Ideas

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2 replies

  1. Excellent post Joseph, I’ve been almost at the point of despair when I think about the future for younger people. Especially since, as technologically adept as they are they’re still completely ignorant of basic security practices.

  2. Great post Joseph. I’ve been near complete despair watching young kids, and by that I mean even into their twenties, just clicking next, next, next, on applications someone told them to download. As technologically adept as they are they’re still completely ignorant of basic security.

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