Hidden In Plain Site: Steganography Part 2

Steganography in the Digital Age: The Art of Concealment in Plain Sight

I’ve always been captivated by the art of steganography—from crafting my own secret codes to unlocking the mysteries hidden in others’. It’s intriguing to consider how, in our modern era of technology, diffusion models are developed. There’s a compelling need to examine the potential for embedding covert messages into these outputs. This complexity adds another layer of fascination to the already intricate world of digital communication and encryption.

This article explores how hidden messages in steganography could challenge our future security. It’s pretty eye-opening to see how these hidden messages can include sneaky exploits that most of us wouldn’t even notice. It gets you thinking about what steps we need to take to keep up with these tricky techniques as technology keeps advancing.

Welcome to a Digital Adventure

Welcome to a thrilling escapade into the world of steganography – where secrets hide in plain sight and the ordinary becomes extraordinary! Imagine embarking on an Indiana Jones-like adventure, but instead of ancient artifacts, we’re uncovering the hidden mysteries of the digital age. Exciting, right?

An Epic Journey Through Hidden Messages

This isn’t your average, run-of-the-mill blog post. Oh no, this is an epic journey through the fascinating world of steganography, where every sentence, image, and byte could hold a secret just waiting to be unraveled. Think of this as your treasure map to the hidden gems of information, expertly crafted to both educate and intrigue. It is also a fun and fascinating story we should all learn from.

Klingon Quote: “lu’wI’ HIvlu’chugh quvbe’lu’.”

Translation: “If you’re not using steganography, you’re not truly being stealthy.”

A Treasure Map to Hidden Digital Gems

Are you ready to dive into the iceberg’s depths, beyond the tip? Our expedition will take us through a landscape rich in knowledge, suitable for everyone – whether you’re a tech wizard, a curious cat, a defender of privacy, or an avant-garde digital artist. We’re about to explore the subtle art of hiding messages in everything from pixels to sound waves.

Reshaping Perception: Beyond the Visible

But wait, there’s more! This journey isn’t just about unearthing secrets; it’s about reshaping how you perceive the world around you. Fasten your seatbelt for a ride that promises to enlighten, entertain, and maybe even transform your understanding of the digital cosmos.

The Evolution of Communication: From Pen to Pixel

In our ever-evolving world, where emojis speak louder than words and podcasts are the new radio, the way we communicate is dancing to a whole new rhythm. Remember when writing was all about pen and paper? Well, now it’s evolved into an orchestra of visuals and sounds, painting stories in a tapestry of multimedia.

Unlocking the Secrets of Digital Whisperings

And in this dance of digital communication, steganography waltzes in stealthily, whispering secrets in a language only a few can comprehend. So, as we embark on this mesmerizing journey through the hidden corridors of communication, let’s unlock the secrets of steganography together. Prepare to be amazed, enlightened, and maybe even a little bit spellbound. Happy exploring!

Steganography Description

An ancient Greek nobleman in traditional attire stands in a grand hall, holding a scroll with a look of surprise and contempt. Intricate Greek architectural elements and warm lighting enhance the scene's historical and dramatic mood."

Steganography is derived from the Greek words “steganos,” meaning “covered or concealed,” and “graphein,” meaning “to write”. Its main purpose is to hide the existence of a message from a third party.

This is different from cryptography, where the existence of the message is not hidden, but the content of the message is made unreadable without a specific key to decrypt it. In steganography, the message might be entirely visible, but it is made to appear to be something else (like an image, audio file, or even a part of another text).

Steganography can be used for a range of applications, from watermarking images to secure communications. However, it can also be used maliciously, such as for hiding malware within seemingly innocent files or for sending covert messages. It’s a broad field with a rich history, dating back to ancient times but also very relevant in today’s digital world.

Steganography Currently In The News

This article on The Hacker News discusses a series of wide-scale malware attacks orchestrated by a hacking group known as TA558. This group utilized steganography, a method of hiding code within images and text files, to distribute a variety of malware, including Agent Tesla and LokiBot, primarily targeting sectors across Latin America and some European countries. The hackers launched their attacks through phishing emails containing infected Microsoft Excel attachments, exploiting vulnerabilities to install malware on the victims’ systems.

Steganography Typosquatting

The image illustrates the flow of a cyber attack through malicious software distribution, specifically via a method known as “typosquatting,” where a developer mistakenly downloads a malicious package that mimics a legitimate one. The attack unfolds as follows:

  1. A developer downloads a typosquat package by mistake.
  2. Two possibilities follow:
    • Possibility 1: User identification is made, and an executable is downloaded from an external source, creating persistence on the machine.
    • Possibility 2: An image embedded with malware is downloaded from an external source.
  3. Obfuscated code within the setup.py file executes automatically.
  4. The system, browser, apps, and financial data are exfiltrated.
  5. All evidence of the attack is removed.

The attacker, represented by a figure in a hoodie, is shown hiding in the shadows symbolizing the covert nature of the attack.

The article from The Hacker News discusses a security threat involving 27 malicious Python Package Index (PyPI) packages that were downloaded thousands of times, targeting IT professionals. These packages, disguised as legitimate libraries, were part of a six-month campaign by an unknown threat actor aiming to distribute malware. This malware was designed to persist on the host system, steal sensitive data, and access cryptocurrency wallets.

The attackers used steganography to hide malicious payloads in image files, increasing the stealth of the attack. Checkmarx’s report highlights the use of setup.py scripts in these packages to reference and deploy additional malicious packages using VBScript, further enabling the attack by gaining persistence through the Windows startup folder and extracting system information like the public IP address and UUID.

Steganography Deliver Methods

The article from ANY.RUN’s Cybersecurity Blog, titled “Unpacking the Use of Steganography in Recent Malware Attacks,” provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving use of steganography in cyberattacks. Key highlights from the article include:

  1. Evolving Malware Delivery Techniques: The article notes a shift in malware delivery methods, emphasizing evasion techniques. Steganography, which embeds malicious code in benign files or images, is gaining traction because it effectively camouflages data, making it invisible to security systems​​.
  2. Growing Use of Steganography: Historically not a primary method for attackers, steganography is now more frequently observed in cyber attacks. This shift reflects adversaries’ adaptation to more sophisticated delivery methods​​.
  3. Campaign Breakdown: The article provides a detailed breakdown of a steganography-based attack campaign, starting from phishing emails as the initial infection vector, leading to payload delivery and execution. It highlights the complexity and stealth of these attacks, including the use of obfuscated VBS scripts​​.
  4. Deobfuscating Techniques: ANY.RUN’s interactive sandbox is mentioned as a crucial tool for deobfuscating and understanding the behaviors of complex scripts used in these attacks, underscoring the need for advanced analysis tools in cybersecurity​​.
  5. Payload Extraction and Execution: The article details the process of extracting and executing hidden payloads using tools like CyberChef, demonstrating the technical complexity involved in these attacks​​.
  6. Additional Resources and Analysis: It provides links to other tasks and samples on ANY.RUN where steganography has been deployed, indicating a broader trend in its use for malware delivery. The article concludes by emphasizing the challenges in detecting steganography, highlighting its potential resurgence as a significant threat in cybersecurity​​.

Where Can Steganography Be Used

  1. Digital Watermarking: This is probably one of the most widespread uses of steganography. A digital watermark, which can be a logo, text, or a signature, is hidden within an image or a piece of audio or video. The watermark is used to verify the authenticity and integrity of the content and to track any unauthorized use.
  2. Copyright Protection: Steganography can be used to embed a hidden copyright notice within digital media, such as images, music, or software. This helps protect the creator’s rights and deters unauthorized copying or redistribution.
  3. Covert Communication: Steganography can be used to send hidden messages within innocent-looking files or communications. This can be used for legitimate purposes, such as by intelligence agencies for secure communication, but it can also be misused by criminals or malicious actors to hide illegal activity.
  4. Broadcast Monitoring: Media companies sometimes use steganography to embed unique codes within their broadcasts. These codes can then be detected by monitoring services to track when and where the content is being broadcast, helping to enforce licensing agreements and detect piracy.
  5. Data Exfiltration: In a cybersecurity context, an attacker might use steganography to extract sensitive data from a network without detection. The data is hidden within regular network traffic, making it harder for security systems to detect the breach.
  6. Malware Communication: Some forms of malware use steganography to hide their communication with their control servers. This makes it more difficult for security software to detect the malicious activity.
  7. Augmented Reality Games: In some augmented reality (AR) games and puzzles, steganography is used to hide clues or information within images or other media. This adds an extra level of challenge and immersion for the players.
  8. Inject Diffusion or Coupled Diffusion
  9. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1434841114003082

Diverse Applications (Beyond Cybersecurity)

Steganography in Fiction

The Hamburger Influence

Yes indeed. I do have a complete story about “The Silent Byte” 🙂

Close-up image of a colorful graffiti-covered train, showcasing a blend of artistic styles and patterns. The graffiti art cleverly incorporates steganography, with the hidden message 'Buy Hamburgers' subtly integrated into the design. The intricate details, vivid colors, and textures of the paint are visible on the rugged train surface, emphasizing the complexity and creativity of the graffiti. This image exemplifies the use of steganography in urban art, where messages are concealed within public artworks.

Inception of The Plan

In Cyberspace City, The Silent Byte, a group of skilled programmers, hatched a plan involving steganography and an unlikely target: hamburgers. Investing in Big Burger Inc., they aimed to manipulate public desire through hidden digital messages.

The Art of Hidden Messages

Using advanced steganography, The Silent Byte embedded a simple command in PixNet’s images: “Buy a hamburger.” This subtle manipulation went unnoticed but had a profound effect on the city’s inhabitants.

The Hamburger Craving Phenomenon

Soon, an insatiable craving for hamburgers swept through Cyberspace City. Big Burger Inc.’s sales skyrocketed, and the city buzzed with burger frenzy, unaware of the digital manipulation behind their cravings.

Ada Compiler: The Unsung Hero

Ada Compiler, a perceptive programmer, noticed something amiss with her own cravings and the city’s behavior. Investigating PixNet’s images, she uncovered the hidden messages, realizing the extent of The Silent Byte’s scheme.

The Unraveling of The Plot

Ada’s discovery led her to alert the Cyber Crime division. Her keen eye and technical prowess were crucial in decoding the steganography, setting off a chain of events that would lead to The Silent Byte’s undoing.

Justice Served with a Side of Fries

The police acted swiftly on Ada’s information, apprehending The Silent Byte. Their clever plot was exposed, and justice was served, making Ada a local hero for her role in unveiling the scheme.

The Unexpected Fitness Boom

In a humorous twist, the city’s sudden burger obsession led to a surge in gym memberships. Fitness centers became bustling hubs, with citizens eager to counteract their burger indulgences, an unexpected but welcome boost to local health and fitness.

Steganography: A Dual-Edged Sword

The incident brought steganography into the spotlight, showcasing its potential for both creative and nefarious purposes. It highlighted the need for awareness and vigilance in the digital age.

Epilogue: A Byte of Humor

The story became a part of Cyberspace City’s lore, with “The Silent Byte Special” becoming a popular burger and a yearly celebration commemorating the bizarre event. It served as a reminder of the quirky intersection of technology and everyday life.

The Two Faces of Steganography: From Magic to Malice

Steganography, the art of hiding information in plain sight, manifests in various forms around us, each embodying a blend of fascination and caution. Here’s a look at how this concept plays out in different realms, from the innocent to the insidious:

Magic Eye Pictures and Their Darker Twins

  • The Playful Side: Magic Eye Pictures captivated us in the 90s with their hidden 3D images, only visible to those who knew the trick. This mirrors the essence of steganography — secrets hidden within an ordinary view.
  • The Nefarious Potential: Imagine such images used for transmitting covert plans or codes. Unnoticed by the untrained eye, they could be a tool for illicit communication.

Logos: Symbols of Identity and Deception

  • The Creative Use: Many logos ingeniously embed hidden symbols, like the arrow in the FedEx logo. It’s a harmless example of steganography in corporate branding.
  • The Hidden Danger: Conversely, logos could conceal extremist symbols, subtly signaling dangerous affiliations under the guise of innocuous branding.

Nature’s Camouflage vs. Digital Disguise

  • Inspirational Mimicry: Just as animals use camouflage to blend into their surroundings, steganography in digital files hides messages seamlessly within data.
  • Malware in Disguise: This natural art has its digital counterpart in malicious software that mimics harmless applications, hiding in your device until it strikes.

Invisible Ink: From Spy Kits to Digital Data

  • A Spy’s Tool: Invisible ink, a classic espionage tool, only reveals its secrets under specific conditions, akin to the hidden data in steganographic techniques.
  • Covert Data Transmission: This concept extends to the digital realm, where personal or proprietary information could be transmitted without consent.

Music and Video Games: Entertainment or Subterfuge?

  • Entertainment Easter Eggs: Hidden tracks on CDs and Easter eggs in video games show steganography’s playful side in entertainment media.
  • The Darker Side: However, these concepts can be twisted for harm, like embedding malware in a game’s Easter egg or using backmasked messages for propaganda.

Microprinting: A Security Feature with a Twist

  • Protective Measures: Microprinting on banknotes is a security measure, a form of steganography used to prevent counterfeiting.
  • Privacy Concerns: Yet, imagine if this technology were used to track individuals’ movements or invade privacy, turning a protective measure into a tool for surveillance.

Example Ideas

All these examples have a common theme: information or objects hidden in plain sight, detectable only if you know what to look for or how to look for it. The same principle applies to steganography. An innocent-looking image or audio file may carry a hidden message. Without the correct tools or knowledge, an observer may never realize the presence of the hidden information, just like they might not notice the hidden arrow in the FedEx logo, or the hidden image in a Magic Eye picture.

In a world where information is increasingly digital and networked, steganography provides a subtle way to hide information in plain sight, and as such, it’s a topic of growing relevance and concern in fields like cybersecurity. We may be surprised at what we’ve been missing when we finally learn how to see it.

Just as in these examples, steganography involves hiding information in such a way that it’s undetectable unless you know it’s there and you have the means to reveal it. It’s a fascinating field with a wide range of applications, from secret communication to digital watermarking.

In all of these cases, the core concept of steganography – hiding something within something else – can be seen. These examples also highlight why digital steganography is of interest in the fields of security and privacy. It provides ways for information to be hidden and transmitted covertly, which can be used both for legitimate, privacy-preserving purposes and for malicious or illegal activities. As such, understanding and being able to detect steganography is an important skill in cybersecurity.

Simple Python Code

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

def text_to_binary(text):
    return ''.join(format(ord(c), '08b') for c in text)

def binary_to_text(binary):
    return ''.join(chr(int(binary[i:i+8], 2)) for i in range(0, len(binary), 8))

def encode_image(image_path, text, output_path):
    # Load image
    image = Image.open(image_path)
    data = np.array(image)

    # Convert text to binary
    binary = text_to_binary(text)

    # Encode text into image
    for i in range(len(binary)):
        # Get pixel index
        x = i // data.shape[1]
        y = i % data.shape[1]

        # Get pixel value
        pixel = data[x, y]

        # Change least significant bit of red channel to bit from text
        pixel[0] = (pixel[0] & 0xFE) | int(binary[i])

        # Update pixel value
        data[x, y] = pixel

    # Save encoded image
    encoded_image = Image.fromarray(data)

def decode_image(image_path):
    # Load image
    image = Image.open(image_path)
    data = np.array(image)

    # Decode text from image
    binary = ''
    for x in range(data.shape[0]):
        for y in range(data.shape[1]):
            # Get pixel value
            pixel = data[x, y]

            # Get least significant bit of red channel
            bit = pixel[0] & 0x01

            # Append bit to binary string
            binary += str(bit)

    # Convert binary to text
    text = binary_to_text(binary)

    return text

Please note that this script is a very simple form of steganography, where the least significant bit of the red channel of each pixel is used to encode the text. This might result in visible distortions in the image, especially if the text is long. More advanced methods could use different techniques to hide the data more effectively, such as frequency domain transformations. And, that is an entirely different conversation! 🙂 But, one worth effort and study.

The above script is just a very basic example and is not intended to be used for serious applications. It does not include any error handling or data validation, and it assumes that the input text can be encoded within the input image. Real-world steganography software would need to handle these and many other considerations. Also, please be aware of the ethical and legal implications when using steganography.

Script Break Down

This script provides a simple demonstration of image-based steganography, in which text is encoded into the least significant bit of the red channel of each pixel of an image. It consists of four functions: text_to_binary()binary_to_text()encode_image(), and decode_image().

def text_to_binary(text):n
def binary_to_text(binary):n
def encode_image(image_path, text, output_path):n
def decode_image(image_path):n

This function decodes a text string from an image that has been encoded using the encode_image() function. It loads the image from the given path and converts it to a NumPy array. It then loops over each pixel in the image, extracts the least significant bit of the red channel of each pixel, and appends it to a binary string. Finally, it converts the binary string to a text string using the binary_to_text() function and returns it.

It’s important to note that this script is a simple proof-of-concept and doesn’t include any error handling or validation, and it assumes that the text can be fully encoded within the image. Also, this method of steganography might introduce noticeable distortions in the image if the encoded text is long.

For a more robust and sophisticated application, various other aspects would need to be considered. These could include using different steganography techniques that are less likely to degrade the image quality, implementing error handling and data validation, and possibly also incorporating some form of encryption for additional security. As with any use of steganography, ethical and legal considerations must also be taken into account.

Pandora’s Box’

Artistic representation of Pandora's box opening, releasing a whirlwind of abstract, disjointed elements against a twilight sky, symbolizing chaos and misfortune in a style blending annus horribilis with exquisite corpse.

Steganography in cybersecurity is like the perfect magic trick. It’s not about making something disappear, but making the audience look in the wrong direction. The audience in this case is anyone who might be looking to detect the presence of hidden data or a hidden communication channel – such as network administrators, security systems, or even law enforcement.

Let’s imagine a simple example: a group of individuals wants to share secret information, so they hide this information within ordinary-looking digital pictures and post these pictures on social media. To anyone else, these look like normal photos, but to the people in the know, they contain secret messages.

In this context, the ‘Pandora’s Box’ aspect of steganography comes from several factors:

  1. Ubiquity of Data: In today’s digital age, we’re surrounded by an overwhelming amount of data, most of which is benign. This provides an almost unlimited number of places to hide information.
  2. Innocuous Appearance: The files used in steganography – images, audio files, videos – typically don’t raise suspicions. They’re a natural part of the internet landscape.
  3. Increasing Complexity: As steganography techniques become more advanced, the hidden data becomes even more difficult to detect. With the rise of machine learning and AI, these methods are likely to continue evolving.
  4. Exploitable for Malware: Cybercriminals can use steganography to conceal malicious code within innocent-looking files, bypassing conventional security measures to deliver malware or exfiltrate data.
  5. Challenging Detection: Since the essence of steganography is to hide information in plain sight, it makes detection incredibly challenging. Standard cybersecurity tools often look for anomalies or suspicious activity, but steganographically hidden data can appear completely normal.
  6. Lack of Awareness: Many people, even those in the cybersecurity field, aren’t fully aware of the potential of steganography, making it an under-estimated threat.

So, just as opening Pandora’s Box in the myth led to the release of all the troubles into the world, the expanding use of steganography in cybersecurity could lead to a whole new range of threats that we’re currently ill-equipped to deal with. It underscores the need for continuous advancement in our security measures and threat detection capabilities.

Steganography and Cybersecurity

It would be fair to suggest in this blog post that legitimate companies could potentially use techniques like steganography for purposes that may be considered unethical or nefarious. While steganography itself is a neutral tool, its application can be for good or ill, much like any technology.

Companies might use it for things like digital watermarking to protect intellectual property, but there’s also the potential for misuse, such as hiding tracking codes in advertisements or using it to collect data without user consent. The ethical implications of such uses are certainly worthy of discussion in the context of digital privacy and cybersecurity.

Advancements in Technology (Deep Learning and Neural Networks)

In recent years, the fields of deep learning and neural networks have seen exponential growth, leading to significant impacts on cybersecurity and the methodologies of steganography. These advancements are not just reshaping the tools and techniques at our disposal but are also redefining the very battlegrounds of digital security and data privacy.

Deep Learning in Steganography

Deep learning models are now capable of embedding data in digital media with such subtlety that traditional detection methods struggle to identify hidden messages. These AI-powered techniques can analyze patterns in images or audio files to find the optimal way to conceal data, making it nearly imperceptible to the naked eye or standard analysis tools. This evolution in steganography, driven by deep learning, has created methods that are more sophisticated and harder to detect.

Neural Networks for Steganalysis

Conversely, neural networks are also revolutionizing steganalysis. By learning from vast datasets of steganographic content, these neural networks can detect anomalies and hidden data with greater accuracy than ever before. This arms race between steganography and steganalysis is emblematic of the wider battle between data protection and data breach.

Impact on Cybersecurity

These technological leaps present a double-edged sword for cybersecurity. On one hand, they offer sophisticated methods for secure communication, ensuring privacy and protection in an increasingly interconnected world. On the other hand, they pose new challenges in detecting hidden malicious data within seemingly innocuous files, which could be leveraged for cyber espionage, data theft, or other nefarious purposes.

Future Implications

As the boundaries of technology continue to expand, so too must our strategies in cybersecurity. The increasing sophistication of steganographic methods necessitates equally advanced detection techniques. Keeping pace with the advancements in AI and machine learning will be crucial for maintaining robust security protocols in an increasingly digital world. The future of cybersecurity lies in the balance of embracing technological advancements while mitigating their potential risks.

Trains Modern And Old

When we delve into the historical context of hidden messages, one can’t help but be drawn to the unique culture of hobos and rail runners of the past. Their lifestyle presented a fascinating mix of wanderlust, camaraderie, and survival instincts.

Communication was a crucial aspect of this culture, and it took on a form that was both unique and brilliantly effective – a language of symbols.These transient workers, often riding the rails illicitly in search of work, developed a system of symbols or ‘hobo signs’ that they’d etch onto fences, posts, sidewalks, buildings, trestles, bridge abutments, and, of course, boxcars.

The symbols served to guide fellow hobos, offering advice, warnings, and other helpful information. For instance, a symbol could indicate that a particular town was hostile to vagrants, or that a specific house was a good place to ask for food.In a way, this was steganography at its finest.

These signs, invisible to those who didn’t know what to look for, allowed hobos to communicate across vast distances and time. It was a language in plain sight, hidden among the everyday, a testament to the resourcefulness and resilience of this wandering community. Each symbol was a story, a whisper of wisdom passed down from one hobo to another.While we might not see many hobo signs today, the tradition of secret communication lives on, evolving with the times.

Today’s digital steganography is the modern descendant of those cryptic hobo signs, hidden in plain sight, but only visible to those who know where and how to look. It’s a fascinating reminder of how our need to communicate and share information, even in the most adverse circumstances, can lead to incredibly creative solutions.

Grafitti On Trains


A slight look at the pros and cons.

ConcealmentMessages are hidden within other harmless files, making them less conspicuous.
ComplementaryCan be used in conjunction with other security measures like cryptography for added security.
Non-IntrusiveDoes not alter the size or format of the carrier file significantly, maintaining its original functionality.
VersatilityCan be used with various types of media, including images, audio, video, or text.
Difficult to DetectWithout knowledge of the specific technique used, it is very difficult to detect the presence of steganography.
Bypass FiltersCan evade content filtering systems that do not look for hidden messages.
Another Way

Steganography certainly presents a complex challenge when considering the balance between freedom and security in digital spaces. On one hand, it’s a powerful tool for privacy, allowing individuals to communicate without fear of being unjustly surveilled or censored. On the other hand, as with many technologies, it can be misused for malicious purposes, such as concealing malware or facilitating covert communications that enable criminal activities.

Completely avoiding the internet isn’t a practical solution for most people or organizations given its integral role in modern life. Instead, a multi-faceted approach is likely more effective:

  1. Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the potential uses of steganography can prepare individuals and organizations to better understand and protect against its misuse.
  2. Advancement in Detection: Investing in research to improve steganalysis—the detection of steganography—is crucial. As steganographic techniques become more sophisticated, so too should the methods for detecting them.
  3. Policy and Regulation: Developing clear policies and regulations that define acceptable use of steganography without infringing on individual rights can help mitigate abuse while preserving privacy.
  4. Ethical Technology Use: Encouraging ethical practices in technology development and usage can help foster a community that uses such tools responsibly.
  5. Balancing Security and Privacy: It’s important to find a balance where security measures against the malicious use of steganography do not infringe on legitimate privacy and freedom of expression.

By considering these aspects, we can aim for a digital future that is secure but also open and free, where technologies like steganography are used to enhance personal privacy and security rather than to diminish them.

Thank you for engaging with this post – a blend of human insight and AI innovation. Your time and thoughts are greatly valued. If this blend of technology and personal reflection sparked any thoughts or ideas, please share them in the comments. Let’s continue the conversation!

Thoughts & Ideas, Joseph Kravis 🙂

A fun question to ask yourself if you’ve made it this far. How many of these images I created and used have Stenography imbeds? 🙂

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